Triathlons are for everybody and that is a fact. There is an event and a place for every skill level. That is not to say that anyone can go out and finish one tomorrow. However, with just a little drive and discipline, there is a place for everyone who wants to be involved. It is my hope that everyone gets to feel the satisfaction that comes with finishing something you never thought possible. Here are some reasons to get started today.
1. The thrill of achieving something you once thought was impossible can be life changing. Just think how you will feel when you finish an event that you once thought was only for someone really in-shape. This is one benefit that can change how you set and accomplish goals in every aspect of your life. If you can achieve this “ridiculous” goal, then what can’t be accomplished?
2. Everyone needs a reason to exercise. When you make your decision, and more importantly sign up for the event, then you have now given yourself a reason to exercise. Willpower is tough to conquer when it comes to things we do not get immediate satisfaction from, however it becomes a little easier when we have a reason to power through our negative thoughts.
3. It is time to try something new. We all need a little spice in our life from time to time and that usually leads to some unhealthy habits. With everything going on in the world right now it is a great time to have something to take your mind off things. Why not turn your focus to something that can, no, does have healthy benefits involved.
4. Networking. Whether for social or business purposes there is a tremendous opportunity to meet an entirely new group of people that have common goals. They have been through the same pain and frustration and powered through the thoughts of given up just like you so they can ride that wave of bliss when the goal is accomplished. You will be hard pressed to find a better group of strangers to pass a day away with. I have always been amazed at just how friendly and helpful people have been, especially when I was starting out in the sport. Everyone is there to share in the experience and thrill of the event. Even though a Triathlon is technically a race, everyone there will do there part to make sure everyone gets across that finish line. The quality of people has been a common theme at every event I have taken part of in several different parts of the country.
5. THE T-shirt. Simple as that.
Now, there is just a quick few reasons to get started on your first event. The important thing is to stop the procrastination and get to work. We are all being drained by the many challenges we face in today’s world. It is time to focus some of our energy on something positive and life changing. Find a friend and do something crazy, I can assure you it will change your life forever. Go get em!